We’ve got over 50 bottles of rare and sought after beers, brewery memberships, gift cards, and more. Donate now through 12/14/2020 to enter. Full details available here.

Following are the prize packages, as currently allocated. We expect to both add packs and add to the existing packs to balance entries against prizes.


Donated bottles will be assembled into new prize packages and existing packages to balance the number entries with the number of packages.

We are accepting donations for raffle items through 12/11 – email [email protected] with details of your donation of bottles, gift cards, or beer adjacent swag. These donations are not tax deductible, but raffle entries benefit 501(c)3 and are tax deductible – see Hopelink and Northwest Harvest‘s websites for EIN/Tax IDs.


“Seattle is full of good people!”

2020 Glow-In-The-Dark Coconuts

Donate now through 12/14/2021 to enter. Full details available here.